About Lisa
Representative results in previous positions include:
- Grew client base from to 12,000 to over 200,000 participating, highly targeted, and registered users.
- Increased sponsorships 200% through bold editorial leadership and networking opportunities.
- Increased sales for financial services firm by 100%.
- Negotiated millions of dollars in national and regional promotional advertising in a 6-month period.
Her experience in marketing and corporate communications leadership has given her the experience and capabilities your company needs in a marketing executive. Highlights of her marketing skills include:
- Strategic direction-setting (company development - image, sales, products, and services)
- Media relations
- Research and development of markets and trends
- Contract negotiations and procurement
- Customer relationship management
- Marketing and advertising campaigns
If your company needs a dynamic, experienced marketing professional - one with a proven record of expanding market share, customer base, and revenue - to shape your company's image, then she is that candidate.
Strengths in marketing, operations, contract negotiations, research, CRM and strategic management will help you expand market share, increase customer base, and grow revenue. Leadership in building company operations in a global environment by improving operations and growing base of clients and customers through CRM, promotion, and staff recruitment, and has done so in more than 10 industries including, professional services, IT, tourism, manufacturing, financial services, retail, and government.
Please take the time to review Lisa's credentials on this website, and then contact her today at lisa@lisaturnbull.com or 972.233.2603.
Not-for-Profit work and affiliations
Work with charitable organizations include: board representation, fundraising, marketing, public relations, special events, managing volunteers, corporate sponsorship development, auction operations and contributions, recognition banquets, public speaking, collateral development, membership & board recruitment, celebrity endorsements, mentoring program development and capital campaigns among others.
- Homeless shelters
- American Red Cross
- American Cancer Society
- Various children’s charities
- American Heart Association
- Muscular Dystrophy
- United Way
- March of Dimes
- Transitional Learning Center
- DMA professional league
- Senior Citizen groups
- Women’s shelters
- Precinct Representative (presidential elections)
- Special Olympics
- Church activities and board participation
- Gang Intervention programs
- Mentoring program development and facilitation
- North Texas Art Council
- Easter Seals
- Chambers of Commerce
Favorite Web sites
- Po Bronson's Web site
- BzzAgent
- Thoreau's Walden
- Faith Popcorn
- Guy Kawasaki
- Fast Company Magazine
- Nasher Sculpture Center, Dallas Texas
- TripAdvisor, unbiased reviews of hotels, resorts and vacations.